Is Having More Eggs Always Better? The Advantages of RSMC Elite Egg Bank

Many clients who come to the United States for egg donation IVF treatment often consider the number of eggs available in the egg bank to ensure they have enough eggs for embryo creation or for future attempts. However, it's essential to understand that the number of eggs retrieved doesn't necessarily translate into the actual usable count, as immature or poor-quality eggs must be eliminated. So, when estimating the number of fresh eggs (those not yet donated to the clinic), please be aware that this does not equal the actual count of usable eggs. If you choose RSMC's frozen eggs, the count we provide you with is the number of high-quality eggs that can be reliably used.
At RSMC, all the eggs we store in our egg bank are carefully selected mature eggs. We have complete confidence in our Elite Egg Bank. In the unlikely event that a client purchases six or more eggs and none successfully fertilized to an blastocyst, we promise to provide the same number of eggs to the client free of charge. While such a scenario is highly improbable, it serves as an extra assurance we offer to our clients.
Clients often inquire about why RSMC in the United States requires only 12 eggs to have a chance of achieving pregnancy through surrogacy. In addition to our commitment to egg donation quality, it's crucial to note that we possess one of Southern California's largest laboratories. Furthermore, our lab is certified by the highest international CPA standards for embryo culture, ensuring a high level of professionalism.
Our egg donation IVF success rate exceeds 87%. With good sperm quality, when undergoing egg donation IVF treatment, around 12 eggs can yield three or more embryos that pass PGS (Preimplantation Genetic Screening). This success rate is higher than the national average, and we have numerous examples that exceed this average. Typically, embryos have an even split between male and female genders. Considering the possibility of implanting embryos up to three times through self-carriage or a surrogate mother, achieving your desired gender is quite feasible. If you wish to have two or more children, our experience suggests that 18 eggs are suitable, although some clients have succeeded with only 12 eggs. If you'd like a physician's opinion, you can schedule a free consultation with one of our doctors.
RSMC has its own Elite Egg Bank, allowing you to start the matching process immediately without waiting if you need an egg donor. This significantly shortens the time you'll spend on your journey to parenthood. In addition to Western egg donors, we also have a diverse pool of Asian egg donors. Through rigorous genetic screening, psychological and intelligence assessments, we ensure that you can quickly and confidently select the ideal egg donor.
Further reading : RSMC's In-House Egg and Surrogate Bank: Instant Pairing Without Waiting!
Are the Identities of Egg Donors Genuine? How Is This Guaranteed?
Is Using Egg Banks Really Better Than Fresh Eggs for IVF?