Can Test Tubes Determine the Blood Type of Embryos? Should Egg Donors Match the Wife's Blood Type?

With advancements in assisted reproductive technology, IVF treatments have become the hope for many families to fulfill their dreams of parenthood. Many prospective parents undergoing IVF treatments often inquire: "Can IVF technology predict the blood type of embryos?" Additionally, during egg donor IVF treatments, many prospective parents wonder if it's necessary to choose an egg donor with the same blood type as the wife.
Can Test Tubes Determine the Blood Type of Embryos?
Blood typing of embryos can be inferred by obtaining blood samples from the husband and wife to determine their blood types. For example, embryos produced by parents with blood types A and B could potentially have blood types A, B, O, or AB.
If one wishes to know the baby's blood type before birth, three techniques are available, with non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) being the primary recommendation. NIPT is a safe and accurate method that analyzes fetal DNA fragments in the mother's blood to determine the embryo's blood type, typically performed around the 10th week of pregnancy.
Although the primary purpose of NIPT is not to determine the embryo's blood type but to detect chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, and Patau syndrome, invasive procedures like amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling can also determine the embryo's blood type. However, due to higher risks involved, these procedures are generally not performed solely for blood type determination.
Should Blood Type Matter in Egg Donor IVF?
In regions like Asia, where genetic education is integrated into primary school curriculum, prospective parents worry about potential questions from their children if their blood types do not match. Therefore, some families opt for egg donors with the same blood type as the wife to avoid potential familial issues during egg donor IVF.
When the egg donor's blood type differs from the prospective mother's, there is no immune response triggered as there are no blood type-related clotting antigens on the egg. Thus, blood type compatibility is not the primary concern in egg donor IVF; instead, physicians focus on the egg donor's overall health and whether they carry any hidden genetic diseases.
The recording format for blood types is A+, A-, B+, B-, where + and - indicate what?
The Rh blood type system (Rhesus), named after the Rhesus monkey, is of secondary importance only to the ABO blood type system, primarily indicating the presence or absence of the RhD antigen on the surface of human red blood cells:
- Rh+: Rh-positive, also known as "Rh-positivity" or "Rh dominance," indicates the presence of the RhD antigen on human red blood cells.
- Rh−: Rh-negative, also known as "Rh-negativity" or "Rh recessiveness," indicates the absence of the RhD antigen on human red blood cells.
Generally, the Rh blood type system does not naturally produce antibodies, so Rh incompatibility is not typically detected during the first blood transfusion. However, Rh-negative recipients of Rh-positive blood may develop immune Rh antibodies, leading to hemolytic transfusion reactions upon subsequent transfusions of Rh-positive blood.
If an Rh-negative mother carries an Rh-positive fetus, exposure to fetal Rh factor, such as due to placental detachment leading to bleeding, can trigger the production of anti-Rh antibodies in the mother. These antibodies can cross the placenta and cause the fetus's red blood cells to aggregate and rupture, resulting in severe fetal anemia or even death. When both Rh+ parents carry Rh- genes and pass them on to their offspring simultaneously, the child will exhibit Rh- blood type. Conversely, if one parent is Rh-, the likelihood of their offspring being Rh- increases, while the probability decreases if both parents are Rh-.
Rh-negative blood types are considered rare among the Han Chinese population and are colloquially referred to as "panda blood." Within social groups, there are often corresponding contact organizations for mutual blood donations in times of blood scarcity. Therefore, when selecting egg donors, preference is generally given to donors with Rh-positive blood.
What Are the Differences Between Egg Donor IVF in the US and Asia?
There are differences between egg donor IVF in Asia and the US. In the US, prospective parents have access to detailed profiles of egg donors, including physical appearance, education, etc., allowing for more thorough selection. Conversely, in most Asian countries, information available to prospective parents during the egg donor process is relatively limited, often only comprising basic details like ethnicity, skin color, blood type, etc. Regardless of location, effective communication with physicians remains crucial for prospective parents to make decisions aligned with their needs. As technology advances and societal perspectives evolve, the options and possibilities in reproductive medicine continue to expand, offering more families opportunities for parenthood.
If you're interested in any of our services, please contact us via the following channels: Line / WeChat: rsmctw; WhatsApp: +1 858-342-6046. Our dedicated Chinese-speaking team in the USA will assist you.
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RSMC Director and Medical Group President
Dr. Harari earned his medical doctorate from the University of Georgia Medical Center, completed his internship at Georgia State Medical College, and subsequently finished his residency at Mercy Hospital Medical Center. With over 30 years of clinical experience, he currently serves as the President of the San Diego Obstetrics and Gynecology Association, boasting over 400 professional OB-GYN members. Dr. Harari respects each patient's individual preferences during the treatment process, providing them with the most professional treatment guidelines and working collaboratively to help them achieve their goals. He believes in the importance of open communication between the doctor and patient, willingly sharing his past medical experiences and offering the most professional medical advice.
About Dr. David Harari
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