Can you Choose Gender with IVF?

Many people may wonder if you can pick baby gender with IVF?During the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF), it is possible to conduct Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS, also known as PGT-A) before embryo implantation to confirm the chromosomal status of the embryos. This technique allows us to examine all the chromosomes and, technically, determine whether the embryo is male or female. Since many genetic diseases are associated with gender-determined factors, whether latent (not manifesting) or manifesting, it becomes crucial to understand the chromosomal composition.
If PGS is performed, it provides insights into the gender of the embryo. However, it's important to emphasize that the primary purpose of this screening is to identify healthy embryos, and it should not be used as a method for selecting the gender of the child. IVF treatment in Singapore regulations explicitly state that choosing the gender of a test-tube baby or embryo is not permissible.
How is gender determined from chromosomes?
To understand how the gender of a baby is determined, it's essential to know that a female has XX chromosomes, and a male has XY chromosomes. During the embryo's growth, an X egg needs to combine with a sperm, which can carry either an X or a Y chromosome. If the sperm carries a Y chromosome, the combination results in XY (male), while with an X chromosome, it becomes XX (female). Therefore, the decision of having a boy or a girl lies in the father's sperm!
As Singapore's regulations don't allow the determination or selection of the baby's gender, some people resort to unconventional methods or believe in old wives' tales. Let's debunk a few of them for you.
Further Reading: What is PGS Testing? How does it increase the success rate of IVF?
Common Question 1: Does consuming alkaline foods increase the chances of having a boy?
This notion stems from the preference of Y chromosome-carrying sperm for an alkaline environment, while X chromosome-carrying sperm prefers an acidic one. Folk belief suggests that consuming alkaline foods can make the vaginal environment more alkaline, increasing the survival rate of Y chromosome-carrying sperm. However, attempting to alter the environment through diet is impractical, and it may lead to recurrent vaginal infections, undermining the optimal conditions for conception.
Common Question 2: Is having intercourse on ovulation day effective?
The effectiveness of this practice is related to the lifespan of eggs and sperm. After ovulation, an egg can survive in the body for 12 to 24 hours, while sperm can survive for up to 5 days. Research indicates that sperm carrying the X chromosome swim slower but live longer, while Y chromosome-carrying sperm swim faster with a lifespan closer to 3 days. Some believe that having intercourse 4 to 5 days before ovulation favors X sperm, potentially resulting in a girl. However, the actual efficacy is questionable and difficult to predict.
Common Question 3: Does the sexual position impact gender?
The belief that sexual positions can influence the gender of the baby is rooted in the acidity of the vagina and the alkalinity of semen. Y sperm staying longer in the vagina supposedly reduces the chances of successful egg fertilization. Additionally, female orgasm is thought to aid in transporting Y sperm to the fallopian tubes more quickly. However, these theories lack empirical evidence and should be taken with a grain of salt.
Common Question 4: Can the father's lifestyle affect the quantity of X&Y sperm?
Several studies explore the proportion of X&Y sperm, with some suggesting variations in different environmental conditions, showing up to a 6% difference in the male-to-female birth ratio. However, the specific environmental factors causing this discrepancy remain unknown, possibly due to chance or a complex interplay of multiple factors.
Common Question 5: Does parental hormone levels influence the baby's gender?
The only discernible difference between X and Y sperm is in their DNA. The factors influencing DNA formation are uncertain, and there is no evidence indicating that the father's hormones affect the trajectory of X or Y sperm. For mothers, since the determination of the baby's gender occurs at the moment of sperm and egg fusion, the mother's hormonal state cannot alter the gender.

In the United States, regulations allow for the freedom to choose the gender of the child under the condition of ensuring the child's health. If you have needs for IVF or surrogacy in the United States, feel free to contact us for consultation and support.
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Further Reading: Can you select the gender via IVF? Explanation of current regulations
Further Reading: Is Gender Selection Allowed in the USA ?
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