Is It Legal for Same-sex Partners to Have Babies Using Donor Sperm?

Many lesbian couple would use at-home artificial insemination in order to conceive a baby naturally. At-home artificial insemination is to inject sperm directly into a woman’s vagina through a syringe. However, doctors suggest that the source of the sperm should come from the relatives by blood outside the fourth degree of the relationship to avoid autosomal inherited recessive diseases for the newborns. It is also advised that sperm washing be performed at a professional agency of assisted fertility to avoid disease infection. What’s more, one should be well aware that if the sperm donor doesn’t sign a document waiving his parental rights, it is possible that there will be a dispute over it.
As for LGBTQ partners, it is undoubtedly a good option to use donor sperm legally in America. You can be assured that the medical practices are safe and protected by laws.The recipients can see the pictures of the sperm donor as a child, his height, blood type and other basic information. In America, besides Asian sperm donors, there are donors of other races as well. Another common question is whether people can ask a specific donor to donate his sperm in a medical care institution. In America, it is not advised to do that because it is possible that there will be a dispute over parental rights. It is a better option to choose a sperm donor who is strictly screened mentally and physically from a legal sperm bank.

Dr. Minh N. Ho
Reproductive Endocrinologist and OB/ GYN in RSMC
Dr. Minh N. Ho, M.D., F.A.C.O.G, is board-certified in Reproductive Endocrinology, Infertility, and OB/GYN of the Coastal Fertility Medical Center. He graduated from medical school more than 30 years ago and has since been demonstrating his skills through practice. Dr. Minh N. Ho is very proficient in treating patients of all backgrounds but specializes in treating patients of Asian descent. His well-known practice and accredited expertise culminated the opportunity for him to provide treatment to elite clientele, including authoritative government officials and high-end celebrities in Vietnam. The majority of his patients travel from China and Vietnam to the United States to receive his infertility treatment, surrogacy and egg donation guidance at the leading full-service IVF medical center, RSMC. Dr. Ho is frequently credited for helping women of all ages with his expertise in advanced maternal age and women’s health.
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