Advanced-age mother joyfully gives birth to twins

In the vast world,
Sometimes the twists and turns of fate can leave us feeling helpless.
Yet, the power of a mother's love can overcome all obstacles.
There is a lady who had been persistently trying to conceive for many years.
She holds a deep love for children and eagerly anticipates their arrival,
yearning to have a child of her own.
However, due to physical limitations,
she was unable to carry a pregnancy herself.
Nevertheless, she did not give up hope.
Instead, she heeded a friend's recommendation and chose surrogacy.
She chose RSMC,
because she believed in their rigorous selection process,
which she hoped would help her find a surrogate mother
who was just as loving and caring for children as she was.
From the moment they met, their fates were intertwined.
The surrogate mother possessed a kind and selfless heart.
She understood the deep desire of the middle-aged woman to have a child
and was willing to make her dream come true.
Throughout the entire pregnancy journey,
they forged a deep friendship,
supporting and comforting each other.
The presence and support of the surrogate mother deeply moved her,
and she wished the same companionship for her own child.
Through her interactions with the surrogate mother and the care provided by RSMC,
she decided to select another deserving surrogate mother
to give birth to twins and add more liveliness to her family.
After a long pregnancy,
both surrogate mothers successfully delivered their babies,
bringing double joy into her life.
Surprisingly, after some time had passed,
we received a photo from her,
where the smiles in the picture warmed our hearts like sunshine.
We wish everyone the same fortune in welcoming pregnancy
and the birth of precious children!
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