RSMC fulfills a well-known Taiwanese Lesbian couple YouTuber in pursuing their dream of having a family
RSMC fulfills a well-known Taiwanese Lesbian couple YouTuber in pursuing their dream of having a family

In 2019, they got married.
In 2021, they froze eggs.
In 2022, they underwent implantation.
In 2023, they had their own child.
If it were an ordinary couple, the journey above might seem commonplace.However, it's a journey experienced by a female same sex couple.The well-known Taiwanese YouTuber couple - Rabbit & Wolf.
After their marriage, they embarked on the journey to create a family.They chose not to keep a low key and openly shared every step of their process,including egg freezing, sperm selection, implantation, and pregnancy.They documented every detail of this journey towards parenthood.
They believe that even as same-sex partners,They have the freedom and right to have children.Using their personal experiences,They aim to encourage other same-sex couples who want to start a family.
This year is the Year of the Rabbit,and we congratulate them on the birth of their little baby.We've been touched by the journey they've taken,and we wish their family everlasting health and happiness.We also hope that same-sex couples who are unsure about having a baby ,can find the courage to take the first step after seeing the videos they've shared.
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